The Bad Lands
Our three children at a fish hatchery
My boys and me at the Bad Lands.
Wow! It has been a long time since I last posted. Life got in the way I guess and we have had a lot of changes these past couple of months. My son and daughter started new schools. They are doing well with the transition. It was hard at first but they have been very brave and I am very proud of them. I started a new job. Overall it was a good change but change is hard. I was very comfortable at my previous job and leaving was harder than I expected. However, my new job gives me to opportunity to meet new people and try something new in the area of teaching. I am still able to balance work and my family and everyone seems happy.
It was 1 year ago Saturday that we met TJ. I can not believe he has been home with us for one year already. He is a typical 1 year old and gets into everything. He loves to jump, climb, and run. He can say quite a few words and is beginning to talk in sentences. I can not even express how much I love that boy. Someone once asked me if I love him as much as I love my other two children. I can honestly say Absolutely and Without a Doubt. He was meant to be my son. His journey in life will be different from my other two children though. They have not experienced loss yet and he lost his birth family and part of his identity. When I am in public with my other two children, we hardly get looked at. When I am in public with TJ, we draw more attention. 99% of the time the comments we receive are positive, however it is the 1% that keeps me up at night. It is my job to make sure he feels safe and secure and sometimes that means I need to speak up.
After one year, I find myself thinking of Ethiopia a lot. I have always wanted to teach in Africa; and after visiting Ethiopia, I am definitely being called to go back. I can feel it in my heart. It is funny how God makes sure you know what he wants from you. You just need to listen to your heart and there it is....that is the amazing part of faith.