Tuesday, October 21, 2008


Wow! Time flies now that we have a baby in the house! It has been awhile since I posted anything new.

My husband is currently taking a 2 week paternity leave. It has been really nice having him home. TJ loves all the attention he is getting from both of his parents.

TJ is finally getting into a schedule. He usually only wakes up once during the night for a bottle and then goes right back to sleep. He also takes a 2-3 hour nap during the day. When he is awake, he is a happy boy and is working hard on getting his legs and back stronger. In addition, he now seems ready to venture out more, so I am excited to start taking him out of the house.

It seems like he has been with us forever! We are very lucky that he is part of our family.


Karen said...

I am so happy to hear that things are settling down for you. We would love to have you bring in TJ for lunch someday. Let us know what day works for you.
Take care!

Mary said...

I can imagine how time flies with a baby in the house! I remember those days when you can't imagine what you got done but you were busy all day! I can't wait until I am a grandma in Jan. There is nothing like a baby to bring joy in to a family! I am so glad things are going so well. Routines are good!! :-) Take care and enjoy your special time with TJ and Tim.

Steph S. said...

It was nice to see you today. I am glad that I got the chance to see TJ...he is so CUTE!
Take care.

Unknown said...

I will for sure head over next week! Seems like there is always something going on! I can't wait to see the little one!