Thursday, October 30, 2008

I love being a mom!

I am having so much fun just being a mom. I get to take my daughter and son to school in the morning and then pick them up after school. We then get to go home, relax, go to karate, and do homework at night. My oldest son and I spend 30 minutes a night reading. I have made a deal with him that I will not be holding TJ during that time and I will make sure that it is just the two of us. During the day, TJ and I have a lot of fun just hanging out. He is such a happy baby and gets so excited when I talk and play with him. He is such a joy to be around!!

His nights are still a little rough. He tends to wake up 1 to 3 times a night; sometimes he is hungry, sometimes he just wants his back rubbed or his butt patted, and sometimes he just wants to play. I am going to need him to sleep through the night before I go back to work in January!

We had our family pictures taken on Sat. I am really excited to see how they turned out. It was a beautiful day. I will post some of the pictures once I get them.

Our adoption social worker also came to our house for our one month visit last Thursday. Our dog eagerly greeted her at the door, along with our 7 year old son who actually went down the stairs on his hands and knees and barked at her. It was fun to show her TJ, since she has been working with us since we began our adoption. She also collected more paperwork from us because we still need to make our adoption official in the United States. She is anticipating that we will be going to court in Dec. That will be an exciting day for our family.


Unknown said...

Sounds like life is moving along... I bet TJ will be sleeping thru the night by January... your oldest son cracks me up! I am coming over next week for sure!

Mary said...

It was nice to see you at school today doing "mom duty". I am so glad you have this time to just be a mom. I wish all kids (and moms) could have that. I think it's great that you have special time with Andrew and I am sure that it means a lot to him. I am sure you hope Jan. crawls here and I am hoping it flies because my little grandson is due in Jan! :-) Happy Halloween and enjoy this beautiful weekend!