Monday, August 25, 2008

Snake Update!

Well......unfortunately, our son's snake escaped. My son was giving his snake a bath in our bathroom sink and lovingly put the snake back into the container. However, my son forgot to put the cover back on the container and when he came back to check on his snake two hours later, the snake was gone. He was devastated and cried all night long. We are 99% sure that the snake went down the drain. However, if it did not go down the drain, the good news is that the snake was basically the size of a pencil and will not get much if it is in our house then it is basically like having a worm in the house. Also, we do have our fierce hunting dog (o.k. she is a wimp and quite small) but I am confident she can take on the snake....just not the cat that has been harassing her. Finally, his wonderful cousin has assured our son that he can get him another snake. I am not sure about that......