Friday, July 18, 2008

Another Week

We have not heard anything this week regarding our son. I do not expect to hear anything new for another 4 weeks or so.

The kids and I had a great week though. The kids had swimming, tennis, and karate in the mornings and then we spent our afternoons with their friends or just hanging out at home. My daughter had two sleep overs and is a little cranky today because she is so tired. It was fun to just have a lazy and relaxing week. Sometimes I get pretty focused on things that need to get done and forget to slow down and just enjoy the summer. However, next week I need to start getting ready for the baby. I don't really have anything except for some clothes that my sister gave me and a few outfits that I bought, a high chair, and a crib. So, I better start stocking up on bottles, bibs, diapers, and other baby will be fun to start buying those things. I did not want to buy anything before we made it through court just in case something went wrong but now I feel more comfortable going ahead and getting the baby's room ready. I also need to get ready for our trip to Ethiopia. The recommended packing list is quite extensive and we need to bring everything and anything that our baby may need including diapers, bottles, medicine, clothes, blankets, toys, and books. Plus we have a big list for ourselves. I am sure the weeks will go by very quickly now!


grandma said...

Always remember Amy we are here to help with anything.
Love always

Mary said...


Let me know if there is anything I can do to help you get ready for your baby. I have been buying things for my grandbaby and it is fun! Let me know if there is anything I can do to help!

Mary Niederkorn

Unknown said...

Keep me in the loop Amy! I can help...maybe just go shopping with ya or something!

Karen said...

It was great seeing you and the kids today! Annmarie and I will be planning a shower for you, so let us know what you need!