Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Well I survived the Yellow Fever Vaccine. I felt fine for 24 hours and then Saturday afternoon I felt really tired. I thought that maybe it was because I had stayed out late Wednesday and Thursday night but then I read that if you are going to get sick it is 24 hours after the vaccine is given (good thing because I was worried that I was getting old:) All I have left is a huge bruise on my right arm. Hopefully that will fade pretty soon.

We are attending an Ethiopian Picnic on Saturday. I am hoping to meet some new people. It would be great to connect with other families who have or are going to be adopting from Ethiopia.

We have not received anymore updates on our baby. Hopefully he is doing well. I am looking forward to July 10th and getting through court, then I can begin to get his room ready.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

You party animal you! Hope your bruise heals soon!