We had our adoption hearing this morning. It was very quick and at the most it may have lasted 10 minutes, including taking pictures. It was the final step. We just have to get some additional documents but besides that we are done!
Tesfahun is doing great. He is finally sleeping through the night but I still find myself waking up several times a night. I have been waking up at night for almost 4 months now, so I think I just need to get my body back on track. I actually find myself missing him at night.
He is als0 working very hard at crawling. He is able to get himself on all fours but still can't figure out how to get his hands and legs to work together.
I am now down to my last two weeks of my leave. I am trying to staying positive but I will miss him very much. I have had a great time at home but knew when we started our adoption journey that I would need to go back to work. Luckily, I love teaching!
We are looking forward to Christmas break. My husband will be taking the next two weeks off from work. I can't wait to spend time with my family!